Temple of Geek Staff wants to say… THANK YOU!!!

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All of us at Temple of Geek wanted to thank our readers for an amazing year…. 


Danniel Slade I want to thank all of you readers for an incredible year! We love bringing you content that we think you will enjoy. This website will not be where it is if it was not for you coming here and reading our content. I truly believe 2018 is going to be a great year and I cannot wait for you all to see what we have in store!


Josie Price Hello Everyone, It’s been nearly a year since I joined Temple of Geek as a writer. I’ve gotten some amazing opportunities to take part in since then. None of that would have been possible without you reading and interacting. We’ve experienced such amazing growth within the last year alone and that is all thanks to you. We at Temple of Geek look forward to bringing you new and exciting things in the future, and I personally look forward to bringing all that comes in the future. Sincerely, your Proverbial Cosplay Princess, Josie Rose.

Amanda Fox Rosowski Hi Rebels, Geekers, Templars? Thanks for your support this year. It’s been a brilliant year and we’ve got lots of great stuff coming up for you in 2018. Live long and geek out!
Monica Duarte I want to thank my fellow staff at Temple of Geek for a fun year. But most importantly our readers. Thank you for giving us all a platform to share our passions with you. A place where we can celebrate our geek. Thank you to all those who follow along with us on social media as well as on our blog. You inspire and motivate us to keep doing what we love.
Matthew Wells To everyone who’s taken the moment to stop by our page and allowed us to have their attention – thank you! There’s a dizzying amount of entertainment out there as well as ways to discuss it, so if we can entertain, inform, or instigate with what we do then we’re pretty stoked to do it. I’m looking forward to what lies ahead and thanks for being a part of our fandom and community!
Brian Lazarow Live long and prosper my fellow Geeks and Nerds! Thank you everyone who visits our site and everyone who will eventually join us. It is beautiful that you’ve chosen to be part of our wonderful community and that you make this world wonderfully brighter and nerdier just by being here. I am so glad to have joined Temple of Geek as a writer, even if I have had to take a hiatus due to the college workload. I look forward to hopefully being a part of this site and this community for a long time, and that wouldn’t be possible without all of you!

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