A Girl From Arizona

The Good Place, A Girl From Arizona Part 2 Review

Episode 2 starts with Team Cockroach (obviously minus Chidi, who has no idea what is going on). Discussing the little competition thing that they have going on with the Bad Place. Eleanor starts this episode off strong with roasting our not so main man, Brent. Which is by the way, a very unusual name. Here in the UK “Brent” is actually a place in London, so I guess its another location name like Brooklyn and Paris. I wonder if Brent’s parents knew it was a place before they named him, probably not. Anyway, back to the episode. Eleanor roasts Brent saying how the world revolves around him, which is both true in the “Good Place” and in real life. Oh to be a white man. Eleanor suggests a brilliant plan of doing exactly what happened to her in series 1, but this time to Brent. If Brent can realize that everyone around him is actually far better than him, he might want to get better, just like Eleanor did. It actually hurts me to compare our queen Eleanor to the species which is Brent but here we are.

We then see the “That Was Your Life” stage as seen in all of the season promo pics. It is being used so Eleanor can highlight the achievements of other people in the world to show off to Brent. I would very much like to know how that one lady saved all the ducks. Granted she didn’t actually do it, as she was made by Janet but I AM STILL CURIOUS. Brent obviously is not though as he is being his arrogant self and just checking out his watch. Why does he even have a watch? Time is an illusion and HE IS DEAD. Everything this man does annoys me. Brent enters the stage and just straight up brags and demands stuff from Janet. We learn that he owned stocks of Netflix but died before he could use them. All I am going to say about that is HAAAAAA. He also calls himself daddy which is slightly creepy but okay Brent.

The series one parallels continue with symbols from Brent’s life on earth destroying the world like it did with Eleanor. This time though, the outfits are orange to represent Princeton. Simone does not seem bothered about this in the slightest. For a moment, we think Brent gets it when he says he does not belong in the good place but he ruins that by saying he belongs in the “better place”. Have you ever just wanted to punch a fictional character because I have. Eleanor definitely wants to punch him too going by the look of absolute disgust on her face.

Team Cockroach then discuss wanting to replace Eleanor as team leader. Hearing them complain about Eleanor hurt me. Honestly, Chidi not being a part of the group is making them worse. They’re hating on their own friends. This proves that all of the members are needed so that they can be the best versions of themselves. Of course Eleanor walks in on this conversation wearing an angelic baby blue power suit. Eleanor calls them ungrateful (and rightly so!) Eleanor is so broken this series and its breaking my heart. It obvious that her losing Chidi is affecting her to a huge extent.

The next scene between Michael and Eleanor made me full on sob. I want to protect Eleanor with all my heart. Kristen is SUCH an incredible actress, i can’t get over it. Eleanor, you are not just a girl from Arizona, you are amazing, and you belong in the real good place. Michael is the father figure everyone needs in their lives. I love how much his character has developed from season 1. 

Finally, after that speech from Michael, Eleanor is back and ready for action. She has a new plan for Brent which involves lying to him by saying “the best place” really does exist. They decide to pull the Tahani strategy and tricking him into being good so he can get praise for it. The praise in this instance being entry to the “best place”. 

Following this is probably one of the most heartbreaking scenes of the whole show. Janet breaks up with Jason and tells him that Blake Bortles is no longer in the Jacksonville Jaguars. Jason’s face in response to that ripped by heart and stomped on it until it was just a pile of goo. Who else is crying? Anyone have a spare tissue? Luckily Tahani is there to give Jason and cuddle. Tahani is doing exactly what the rest of us want to do in this moment. Protect our boy. 

Oooh, we finally get a real Eleanor Chidi scene, however its the exact opposite of what we are wanting. Eleanor tells Chidi that him and Simone are soulmates for the sake of the experiment and making Simone realize that this is not just in her head. That was a very mature and difficult decision on Eleanor’s part and I am so proud of her. Chidi talks about how he has never fallen in love before and at this moment I yet again wanted to cry.

To sum up, yet again this show has left me sobbing into my pillow. If Eleanor and Chidi don’t end up together, it will be the most disappointing finale ever. Even more so than the finale of LOST. Chidi and Eleanor are soulmates, and they deserve to be together after everything they have been through. This episode, like episode one was amazing. I cannot wait to share my thoughts on the other episodes to come.

                                    <img width="700" height="467" src="https://templeofgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/TheGoodPlace-2-1024x683.jpg" alt="" srcset="https://i1.wp.com/templeofgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/TheGoodPlace-2.jpg?resize=1024%2C683&amp;ssl=1 1024w, https://i1.wp.com/templeofgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/TheGoodPlace-2.jpg?resize=150%2C100&amp;ssl=1 150w, https://i1.wp.com/templeofgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/TheGoodPlace-2.jpg?resize=300%2C200&amp;ssl=1 300w, https://i1.wp.com/templeofgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/TheGoodPlace-2.jpg?resize=820%2C547&amp;ssl=1 820w, https://i1.wp.com/templeofgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/TheGoodPlace-2.jpg?resize=765%2C510&amp;ssl=1 765w, https://i1.wp.com/templeofgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/TheGoodPlace-2.jpg?resize=120%2C80&amp;ssl=1 120w, https://i1.wp.com/templeofgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/TheGoodPlace-2.jpg?resize=480%2C320&amp;ssl=1 480w, https://i1.wp.com/templeofgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/TheGoodPlace-2.jpg?w=1200&amp;ssl=1 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" />                                           
                    <i>&#xE934;</i><i>&#xE934;</i><i>&#xE934;</i><i>&#xE934;</i><i>&#xE934;</i> 5/5


  • Katie Welch

    Hi! My name is Katie, but you can call me Kat! I specialise in all things nerdy. I am a cosplayer and collector and a massive cat person!

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Katie Welch

Hi! My name is Katie, but you can call me Kat! I specialise in all things nerdy. I am a cosplayer and collector and a massive cat person!

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