Tips on how to cosplay as Amy Pond from “Doctor Who”

In honor of the 10th anniversary of the Doctor Who episode “The Impossible Astronaut” cosplayer Corinna is here to give us some quick and easy tips for cosplaying as Amy Pond.

Reference photos

The first thing you need is some reference photos from the episode so you know what you are trying to replicate.

What you need for this cosplay

This is a simple cosplay and only needs a few things to put the look together. This is what we call a “closet cosplay.” Because many of the items that Amy is wearing can be found in your daily wardrobe and you do not need to get the screen accurate items to be recognizable as Amy Pond.

Things you’ll need include:

  • Red Plaid Shirt
  • Denim cropped jeans
  • Ankle height hiking shoes
  • Red Wig
  • Marker on a lanyard.


Here are a few examples of cosplayers who have put together this cosplay.

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  • Corinna Beckmann

    Corinna has no fashion sense of her own and steals her clothing-ideas from Clara Oswald, Amy Pond, and Sabrina Spellman. Her passion is photography, to draw and to paint, and she loves to get inspired by fan-art from different fandoms. Her Kryptonite is Doctor Who, Harry Potter, LOTR, The Expanse, CAOS, and too many other geeky things.

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Corinna Beckmann

Corinna has no fashion sense of her own and steals her clothing-ideas from Clara Oswald, Amy Pond, and Sabrina Spellman. Her passion is photography, to draw and to paint, and she loves to get inspired by fan-art from different fandoms. Her Kryptonite is Doctor Who, Harry Potter, LOTR, The Expanse, CAOS, and too many other geeky things.

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