August releases are here and Titan Comics has once again given us new chapters, stories, and titles to enjoy. With a new issue of Doctor Who: Origins, the next chapter of Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia, the next issue of Deadly Ever After from Rivers of London, and a new Gun Honey story, there is something for everyone.
@templeofgeek @alexandrea2713 talks August 2022 Titan Comics Releases #titancomics #templeofgeek #sherlock #sherlockmanga #doctorwho #doctorwhoorigin
I have been on the edge of my seat anxiously anticipating the release of the next Doctor Who: Origins issue since the beginning of the series and I am so excited for the next piece of this story. This issue is the climax of the journey we’ve been on with The Doctor. Honestly, I genuinely think that this story is a great place to jump into Doctor Who as a whole. There is just so much content out there that it’s impossible to catch up on so finding an entry point can be very intimidating. This story really encompasses everything that The Doctor is and sums up the best parts of their character and story.

I haven’t gotten a chance to rewatch Sherlock in a while but this comic book really made me want to binge again. The comic being created by Mark Gatniss and Steven Moffat makes sure that the comic fits perfectly into the existing universe and storytelling style. It is worth noting that this story is told in the style of a manga so you must read it from right to left. Manga tends to be more conducive to longer stories and as these are adaptations of the hour and half long TV show episodes the choice to use manga instead of serialized comics makes a lot of sense. The Scandal of Belgravia is one of my personal favorite episodes so experiencing the story in a different format was really cool. Titan Comics really owns the rights to 2013 Tumblr.

As we know Deadly Ever After is the Rivers of London series that made me fall in love with the title. It felt like forever since the last time I got to dive into this magical world so I was very eager when I saw this as one of the titles I got to read this month. The girls found the source of the fairy tales coming alive and they found out how to stop it. I thoroughly enjoy the balance of story and life lessons in these comics and I think it adds an interesting layer to these stories. Chelsea gets taken by a magical creature and then of course we are left on a cliffhanger and sadly have to wait another month for the next chapter in this marvelous series.

I also got the privilege of seeing the preview pages of Gun Honey and let me tell you, I am pumped. It looks extremely action-packed and incredibly interesting.
As always Titan Comics delivers amazing titles telling wonderful stories, all with very different tones and settings. There is certainly something for everyone.