What To Play During Your Self-Quarantine (Or If You Are Bored)

Are you stuck at home during this global pandemic not knowing what to do with yourself? Try turning on a game console and play some games. In this week’s episode, Stacy and Amanda discuss games that you should play during your self-quarantine.

Do you like this episode? Wanna complain about something we got wrong? Let us know what you think by dropping a comment below or emailing us at info@templeofgeek.com. We really want to hear your opinions!

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Intro Music – Final Impasse By Ground is Lava


We just want to remind everyone to check up on the older or more isolated people in their lives. There are many organizations that can enable you to volunteer or help others at this time so please do check your local listings to see how you can get involved.



  1. It’s 2020, Where Are The Flying Cars And Futuristic Gaming VR Rigs?!
  2. Our 100th Episode – A Look Back On Episode One The Horror Episode
  3. Are Gaming Hotels Going To Be The Next Big Thing In Gaming?



World of Warcraft

Stacey has been playing mostly WoW these days and enjoying the ability to level all in one zone and the reduced level cap.



Amanda has been playing a gritty detective game that’s a cross between Telltale and L.A. Noire. She recommends it if you like an atmospheric detective game.



NO! Just no. Amanda finds this game stressful and horrendous. Stacey mentioned it could end relationships lol. The cooking sim is only recommended if you like timer-based challenges.


Amanda says, “Not today, Satan.”



Stacy says, “I don’t think it’s that bad.”



Underwater day/night cycle survival game that is beautiful. Stacey would hate it. There are some scary bits to it.


Amanda says, “Explore in the day if you’re scared.”


A Bard’s Tale: IV

Nope, the graphics just don’t hold up according to Amanda. She didn’t buy a 55 inch TV to look at substandard graphics. Sorry.


Amanda says, “Delete.”



Stacy says, “I remember the story being good, though…”


Fishing SIM World

Oh boy, this game is the definition of don’t judge a book by its cover. It’s relaxing, man. Sure, the character models aren’t the best, but who cares when the fish are so fun to catch!


Amanda says, “Yeehaw!”

Gaming News

Blizzard has announced that XP in World of Warcraft will be boosted by 100% until April 20, 2020. This is great news for all of us in self-isolation.

Binding of Isaac developer Edmund McMillen has put together a sick bundle of $160 worth of games for under 20 bucks. Titles include The End is Nigh, The Legend of Bum-Bo and The Basement Collection.


What we want when self-isolating is long games, epic stories and big worlds to explore; so the Rebels put together a list of some games we would recommend. Here are a few of the games we discussed, but listen to the whole episode for the full shebang.

  • Fallout franchise- post-apocalyptic open world to explore? Good narrative? Yes, please!
  • Elder Scrolls Online – an MMORPG which open goes on free to play weekends, good for a pickup and go.
  • The Outer Worlds – not the longest game on the list, but BOY is this game pretty in its Flash Gordoneque way.
  • Octopath Traveller – a big hunk of narrative-driven gameplay in a pseudo-18-bit style
  • Diablo 3 – the ultimate looter, dungeon crawling masterpiece of a multi-player experience
  • Witcher 3 – combined with the DLC, there’s hours of high-quality and sigh-packed witchery goodness here
  • Star Trek Online – if you’re a Trekkie, this free to play MMO is a solid choice for hours of enjoyment in the universe
  • World of Warcraft – the OG, the granddaddy of most other MMO’s; it’s still a great choice so many years on (now with 100% exp boost too!)



Temple of Geek Podcast - Tuesdays at 10am CST
Retro Rebel Podcast - Fridays at 11am CST

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