Erin Lefler

With Special Guest Erin Lefler

Erin Lefler chats with Temple of Geek about her campaign, #FORCEAGAINSTCYBERBULLYING. Danniel learns all about Erin during the first segment (00:41). The second segment (19:45), they get into what #FORCEAGAINSTCYBERBULLYING is all about and what people can do to help.

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  1. Erin Lefler – Guest at Ace Comic Con
  2. The Force Against Cyberbullying Campaign


Host – Danniel Slade
Special Guest – Erin Lefler

Erin is a a licensed Lucasfilms artist who has had her art featured by Lucasfilms at the premiere of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Her early geek years developed with passion for Disney, comics, and animation and has expanded from there. She is started a viral anti-cyber bullying campaign called #Forceagainstcyberbullying. Erin huge self proclaimed fangirl who loves to create art pieces for many widely popular actors and actresses. She posts her adventures on her Instagram and Twitter accounts.

OFFICIAL WEBSITE – The Art of Erin Lefler
TWITTER – Butternutgouach
INSTAGRAM – butternut_gouache
ETSY – Butternut_Gouache




Temple of Geek Podcast - Tuesdays at 10am CST
Retro Rebel Podcast - Fridays at 11am CST

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