The Good Place is back for its final season and I am ready to share my totally non-biased opinion. This week’s The Good Place season four, episode three “Chillaxing” finds that Chidi is too relaxed to focus his energy towards helping the other humans, so Eleanor and Michael decide to torture him.
Michael and Eleanor
So episode three starts off with Michael and Eleanor talking, not for long though as our main man Chidi strolls onto the scene with a bizarre dad-like outfit. I personally think he’s rocking it but MAN it’s weird to see him not wearing a sweater vest and button-up shirt. Michael says he’s “chillaxing” hence the title of the episode. We learn that the reason why Chidi is so relaxed is that he genuinely thinks he’s in The Good Place. Nothing has gone wrong with him yet.

Janet and Tahani
Janet and Tahani discuss the new colours in Janet’s hair which she dyed due to her breakup with Jason. They discuss John and how they can make him a better person. Tahani invites John for a spa day (at an exact replica of Victoria Beckham’s private spa, may I add) I always wonder if they get permission to talk about certain celebrities. At the spa, Tahani and John gossip about certain celebs, such as Fifth Harmony which I loved. Tahani invites John to Chidi’s philosophy classes, which he very much declines. To be fair, if I was in heaven, I’d probably not want to go to school either. “Jianyu” joins Chidi’s class though and confesses to Chidi that he’s actually Jason. Chidi’s little face is so cute in this scene.

Chidi and Jason
We then get a flashforward to a week later where Jason is now in his new “Buddhole” and Chidi has a tummy ache. This is such a parallel to series one. I love it. Eleanor and Michael in matching color-coordinated outfits then arrive and Chidi claims that the buddhole is actually his, as you do.

Hawaiian Party
We are now at a Hawaii themed party, and everyone is dressed in adorable Hawaiian outfits. Eleanor describes Chidi as “superman with nervous diarrhea” which is an interesting image, to say the least. Eleanor truly does have a way with words. At this party, Tahani finally calls out John on the way his blog on earth hurt people, but John pulls a truth bomb and says he was trying to make money to survive and pay bills. Obviously that does not excuse his behavior but it’s clear that Tahani had never realized that there was a reason for the things he said other than just hurting people.

Still, at the party, Eleanor introduces us to special rocks. When they’re thrown, it becomes whoever threw the rocks deepest desire. Jason threw his and it was a sexualized motorbike, which is SO Jason. As he is still pretending to be Jianyu, Chidi takes the blame for this weird motorbike desire. Honestly, Chidi has been through so much, the poor guy.
Chidi opens up to Eleanor and Michael about how distressed he is and how it’s making him sick. He says he feels “punished” which absolutely breaks Eleanor (and my) heart because she made a promise to protect him before his memory got erased. Eleanor starts crying and Chidi is sad because he made “God” cry. The concept of Chidi seeing Eleanor as God is really funny to me.

“Chillaxing” Lessons Learned
Tahani tells John an honestly really upsetting story about how being obsessed with status can destroy people’s lives. She is incredibly right about that. She asks John for a truce and he apologies for everything he wrote about Tahani when they were alive. This was quite sweet, and hopefully a new beginning for John.

Finally, Michael and Eleanor are talking about how Eleanor is. She’s sad because of the distress she and Michael caused to Chidi, which is understandable. I’m upset too. She’s upset about Chidi “abandoning her” (in regard to him erasing his memory) She understands that her sadness is unreasonable given that he sacrificed himself for the sake of the world. When she’s upset, she normally talks to Chidi but obviously she can’t do that which is making her even more upset. This is yet again a circle of sadness and I am drowning in a collective pool of both mine and Eleanor’s tears.
I TAKE BACK THAT “FINALLY”. The real final scene of the episode is a cloaked figure ominously. I am VERY excited to see where that leads.
Overall, I really enjoyed The Good Place S4E3 “Chillaxing”. Especially the costume design. Kirston Mann did an amazing job on the wardrobe as usual. Kristen Bell in a Hawaiian playsuit is something I didn’t know I needed but definitely enjoy.

The Good Place airs Thursdays on NBC (9-9:30 p.m. ET)
For More coverage from The Good Place check out:
The Good Place: You’ve Changed Man! Review of a fantastic episode
“The Answer” – A Review of “The Good Place” Season 4, Episode 9
The Good Place Season 4 “The Funeral to End All Funerals” Review
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