You've Changed Man Good Place

The Good Place: You’ve Changed Man! Review of a fantastic episode

We’re back baby! Finally, after this seemingly never-ending Christmas break, we finally have a new episode of The Good Place titled: “You’ve Changed, Man!” Let’s jump right into it!

Soul Squad in The Good Place
THE GOOD PLACE — “You’ve Changed, Man” Episode 410 — Pictured: (l-r) Kristen Bell as Eleanor, Ted Danson as Michael, Jameela Jamil as Tahanil, D’Arcy Carden as Janet — (Photo by: Colleen Hayes/NBC)

This episode starts in neutral Janet’s void with our Janet and Judge. They’re looking for the planet resetter thingy! Janet mentions how resetting Earth will get rid of  Timothy Olyphant, which is obviously heartbreaking to say the least. The Judge isn’t having that though, as she still wants to reset Earth. Bummer.

Now onto the bit we are all here for, let’s be real. CHIDI AND ELEANOR. Eleanor “checks in” with Chidi to see where they stand after the whole memory restoring thing and THANK THE LORDS. THEY’RE STILL IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER. Chidi is also really confident now which is extremely sexy, and Eleanor agrees clearly with her “wanna get out of here?” comment. Eleanor please, keep it in ya pants. Or don’t. I’m just a reviewer and you’re not a real person. I have no control over you or your pants.

So, the soul squad starts thinking of solutions of how to save the world. Eleanor makes a super smart comment which causes Chidi to SNOG HER FACE OFF. TRULY BEAUTIFUL. I am LIVING for confident Chidi.

Back to the Judge and Janet. We are now in Bad Janet’s void which for some reason plays the gummy bear song. Am I the only one who doesn’t find that song annoying? Granted, I still jam out to Baby Shark, so maybe I’m not the best judge on whether songs are annoying or not. After not finding anything, the Judge marbleises Bad Janet and then hits on Chidi, which is ya know, fair enough. He is a legit snack.

Eleanor and Michael suggest they create a Medium Place like Mindy’s as a permanent third option for those who live “medium lives.” The Good Place council agrees, but can they make Shawn agree? …No. No, he does not. Obviously. Shawn just wants Michael to lose. What a meanie butt. The Soul Squad suggests that the original four (Eleanor, Tahani, Chidi and Jason) will go to the Bad Place so that Shawn will agree to the Medium Place idea. Shawn doesn’t agree to that either so the squad decides to just scrap that idea and come up with a brand new one in ten minutes. Risky AF.

Janet in The Good Place
THE GOOD PLACE — “You’ve Changed, Man” Episode 410 — Pictured: D’Arcy Carden as Janet — (Photo by: Colleen Hayes/NBC)

HOWEVER, The Judge doesn’t even bother trying to hear them out UNTIL Janet brings in Timothy Olyphant! NICE. So, Chidi’s idea is that there is a system to give humans a fighting chance to improve themselves after death. So, even people who had crappy circumstances in life still are not doomed to go to the Bad Place in death. Shawn disagrees… again, but Michael has an idea.

Michael admits defeat to Shawn and Shawn is annoyed at that. Shawn said the only reason he’s doing any of this is that fighting Michael is fun. He keeps disagreeing with the plans because he doesn’t want that fun to end. Awwww. Wholesome Shawn. Michael then talks about how it’s always sad when things end, but he’s looking forward to seeing what comes next. I feel like that’s directed at us, the fans, to be honest. I am so not ready to see my favourite show end, but I am excited to see what comes next! Maybe a spin-off?

ANYWAY, SHAWN AGREED. CHIDI SAVED HUMANITY. THIS IS AMAZING. That episode was fantastic. I am so looking forward to seeing what happens next. I overall rate that episode a 10/10. I’ve never actually rated an episode of this show as anything less than a 10/10 but IT’S JUST INCREDIBLE OKAY. Stay tuned for my review of the next episode!




Edited by Maddie Morrow


  • Katie Welch

    Hi! My name is Katie, but you can call me Kat! I specialise in all things nerdy. I am a cosplayer and collector and a massive cat person!

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Katie Welch

Hi! My name is Katie, but you can call me Kat! I specialise in all things nerdy. I am a cosplayer and collector and a massive cat person!

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