A word of warning: the following is a recap of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina part 2 and will contain spoilers. So if you have not watched it by now, you either go over to Netflix right now or you’ll get spoilers reading from this point on.
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is a Netflix original television series. It debuted on Netflix in October 2018. The show is based on the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina graphic novels by Archie Comics.

When part 2 begins, Sabrina Spellman (Kiernan Shipka) decides after a series of turbulent events, that it’s time for her to leave her school Baxter High behind for a while. The new principal Ms. Wardwell (Michelle Gomez) has nothing against her taking a sabbatical and her aunt Zelda (Mirando Otto) is delighted as well, that Sabrina finally takes her magical studies more seriously. Only her aunt Hilda (Lucy Davies) isn’t that happy and she makes sure, that Sabrina doesn’t lose contact with the mortal world completely.
On her arrival, the Academy of Unseen Arts, Sabrina learns about the lived patriarchy and the anti-feminine attitude of headmaster Father Blackwood (Richard Coyle). One of his favourite traditions at the Academy is the election of “Top Boy”, where male students battle each other to become the equivalent of a head student. Getting this role could raise their chance to become High Priest one day. Before Nicolas Scratch (Gavin Leatherwood), the only nominee gets named “Top Boy”, Sabrina jumps in. She claims it’s not fair that female witches are not allowed to participate in the election. Nicolas, having a crush on her from the beginning, thinks it would funny to “fight” against her, and nominates Sabrina. Sabrina has recently ended her relationship with Harvey, her boyfriend in part 1, so Nick’s intentions to get closer to Sabrina is higher than before. Prudence, who is the daughter of Father Blackwood, seconds Sabrina’s nomination, now both Nick and Sabrina must compete in three challenges before the other students are to choose a “Top Boy” out of them.
But before they begin, Father Blackwood invites Nick and some other male students for drinks at Dorian Gray’s Room, which upsets Sabrina again. Sabrina locks herself in the library of the Academy where she is attacked by rats, sent by Asmodeus, the Lord of Vermin. After Sabrina defeats him, she asks Father Blackwood for a postponement of the first challenge on account of this incident. As he disagrees to do so, Prudence steps in and offers her help. Her father doesn’t treat her as his own flesh and blood. In his eyes, she is only good enough to babysit her baby brother Judas. Out of frustration and anger towards her father, Prudence helps Sabrina during the first challenge, so she is able to answer even the most difficult questions.
As she prepares for the new challenge, Sabrina is attacked once more when the demon and lord of the Shadow, named Purson, let bats loose on her. After having dealt with them, Sabrina loses the next challenge, although she took lessons from Hilda in bubbling before. Third times’s a charm: Beelzebub, the Lord of Flies, attacks Sabrina but Ms. Wardwell comes for help. Indeed, Ms. Wardwell did ward well (…sorry for that extremely bad pun!).
Sabrina wants answers as to why the demons attacked her and who sent them to do so. She convinces Nick during the last challenge to join their powers together to summon the Three Plague Kings, like the demons are called. Before they can tell her the truth about Satan and his plans for her and before they can realize their plan to kill the “half-spawn”, Father Blackwood banishes the demons. In the end, he throws away the rules and names Ambrose (Chance Perdomo) “Top Boy” – although he isn’t attending the Academy, but working for High Priest.

Meanwhile at Baxter High: Ms. Wardwell glows up in her role as the new headmaster of Baxter High. Susie (Lachlan Watson) comes to her for help. She wants to try out for the basketball team. Problem is, there is only a male team and the trainer does not want Susie or any other girl to be part of it. Ms. Wardwell stands up for Susie and Susie is allowed to participate in a qualification game, even though she hasn’t any talent. As Hilda doesn’t stop begging her niece to visit her mortal friends once in a while, Sabrina attends the qualification game, secretly. Susie plays miserably, but Sabrina uses some magic so her friend scores during the game, and is allowed to play in the team regularly. This win empowers Susie so much that she is ready to ask her friends to call him Theo from now on, as he identifies as a boy and not a girl. This is confusing in the beginning, especially for Harvey (Ross Lynch), but his friends nevertheless are very supportive.

We have learned previously that Ms. Wardwell is possessed by Madam Satan, a servant to the Dark Lord, but it was also revealed that she’s even more than that. In fact, she is Lilith, his lover who stood by his side after he was thrown out of heaven and lost his status as an angel. The Dark Lord revealed his plans to her, that he wanted Sabrina as his prophet on earth. Lilith is disappointed, as this role was promised to her, but she does not let him know that of course. Instead, she expresses her doubts about Sabrina being worthy, as she tended to the light in the beginning. They both make an agreement. The Dark Lord would try to trick Sabrina and if she falls for it, Lilith would never question him, his methods or his plans ever again. But if Sabrina would not fail, Lilith would become his prophet instead of Sabrina. Satan visits Sabrina and reminds her, that she would need to do everything he tells her to, after signing the Book of the Beast. Like he had agreed on with Lilith, he asks Sabrina to steal a pack of gum. Sabrina already has the pack in her bag when Ms. Wardwell turns up and reminds her that she is a good girl.
As she proceeds to withstand the Dark Lords tempts, which results in a Devil’s Claw on her back, a magical injury that represents that Satan is in possession of her soul. He also punishes her friends in order to scare Sabrina and change her mind. Roz (Jaz Sinclair) gets infected with chickenpox. Theo gets messed around with: when he takes revenge on a boy harrowing him (with help of Sabrina and some magic), Satan almost kills that boy to hurt Theo on a psychological level. After Sabrina and Harvey get close again and she “discovers” a Devil’s Claw on him (she is just hallucinating by the way), she is now afraid that something bad would happen to him as well. To make things worse, she finds her familiar almost dying, so she finally agrees to the Dark Lords’ demands. But as it’s too late to make everything right by stealing a pack of gum, Satan requests a bigger favor from Sabrina and asks her to burn down Baxter High. Before she executes this, the Dark Lord stops her and praises her for demonstrating her willingness to do so. This was Sabrina’s plan, since her aunt Hilda told her, that most of the time Satan cares more about showing commitment than the deed itself. In the end, Sabrina steals the pack of gum and ends the debate between Satan and Lilith. The Dark Lord reminds Lilith, that he will always win and will have Sabrina by his side. As a sign of goodwill, he brings Stolas back to life. He’s Madam Satan’s familiar, that she had killed out of frustration after she learned about the Dark Lord’s plans.

Zelda gets introduced as a new teacher for ancient tongues and sacred scriptures at the Academy of Unseen Arts. While they had a serious affair during the last couple of months while his wife was alive and pregnant, Zelda wants Father Blackwood to confirm their relationship and threatens him to put a hold on it until Father Blackwood is ready to make it legitimate. He declines her wish so soon after his wife’s death, but still shows his affection towards Zelda by making her the new director of his play “The Passion of Lucifer Morningstar”. This makes her fellow Sister and former director Shirley more than jealous and so it’s not astonishing, that Zelda gets tormented by her. Nevertheless, the play is a big hit, with Sabrina as Lilith and Nick as Lucifer Morningstar. It’s not only their kiss that profoundly affects the real Lilith. It’s tough for her seeing the younger version of herself and realizing, that the Dark Lord has found a way to control Sabrina through Nick. At Baxter High, we have basically the same picture: two almost-lovers acting like lovers. This time it’s Roz and Harvey that are free to choose a scene to act as a part of an assignment. When you can choose any play and any two characters, it’s totally clear what’s going on when you choose the kissing scene from Romeo and Julia for this.
And love seems to be everywhere for all of the characters these days. While the mortals celebrate Valentine’s Day, the witches and warlocks of the Academy participate in their own yearly tradition. Lupercalia, a festival that celebrates sexual desires. Sabrina is a bit shy as she never had sex before and always believed her first time would be with Harvey. Zelda, on the contrary, is really open-minded, stating that sex is meant to experience pleasure and should shame nobody. Which seems to have an effect on Sabrina, because (although we haven’t seen them share a kiss except on stage), Sabrina and Nick seem to be a couple now, that talks about sex like it’s no big deal. Nick, although being quite experienced (let’s remember the orgy he had with Prudence (Tati Gabrielle), Dorcas (Abigail Cowen), Agatha (Adeline Rudolph), Ambrose and other witches after Prudence got nominated as Queen of the Feast) doesn’t put pressure on Sabrina to participate on the Lupercalia. Sabrina states that she would like to participate if she would get matched with someone special and after having basically asked Nick out on a date during Lupercalia, she takes off the necklace she got from Harvey. A metaphor for their relationship being ended once and for all.

During the matching ceremony Dorcas, who dated Nick for a little while, tries everything to get matched with him and even fouls Sabrina. But as the warlock had the feeling she would try to do something like that, he uses some magic to trick her, so he gets matched with Sabrina like they both wanted to. But as having sex for the first time is still something to chat about with a girlfriend, Sabrina visits Roz. And as she confesses her feelings towards Harvey, she get’s Sabrina’s permission to date him. After the matching ceremony, the next part of the Lupercalia is the following. The participants’ abstinence is encouraged, but the witches and warlocks do not take Ambrose’s statement very seriously. The matched couples spread in the woods and lay down in the moonlight, which is supposed to increase their virility. While Sabrina and Nick share this moment together, the sound of a wolf hauling can be heard, which makes Nick grab Sabrina and to run away from the scene. Instead of mating with her in the woods, they show up at Baxter High to Valentine’s dance, to distract themselves from what happened before.

But they are not safe there either and are attacked in the library by the same wolf they heard in the woods. Nick finally confesses that it’s indeed his jealous familiar named Amelia. She fell in love with him and was after the death of his parents the only family he had. Nevertheless, he agrees to kill his familiar in order to make sure, that Sabrina is safe and they can enjoy the final act of the Lupercalia. That night where the girls wear red capes combined with thigh-high and black slips, while the boys run around shirtless and wear hats formed as wolf-heads. So contrary to the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood hunts the wolf in this ritual and the matched couples would have sex after the hunt is over. In the middle of this, the wolf Nick has claimed to have killed shows up and attacks his master. Sabrina has no other choice than to stab him.
Harvey had asked Roz out on a date for the Valentine’s dance, but she does not want Theo to feel left out. Especially after he had a hard time trying to explain to his father, that he’s not his little girl anymore and that he feels like a boy for quite a time now. We see how hard it’s for his father to leave behind his daughter, but he accepts his son and takes him for a haircut. Harvey shows him how to tie a tie before the dance. While doing so, they both get equally excited about how good Roz looks in her dress. Later that evening, Roz finally reveals to Harvey the truth about her “Cunning”, the ability to foresee things. She admits that she held back telling him this and that she saw them both kissing, as she knows that he’s not a big fan of all things magical after what Sabrina had done to his brother. Harvey pushes away her doubts by kissing her intensely. Roz is on cloud 9, but not for long. When she’s over at Harvey’s to take a look at his latest comic drawings (doesn’t he collect post stamps?), the one thing she fears but knew would be her fate happens – her eyesight disappears.

All the Valentine’s Day celebrations are more than annoying for Madam Satan and she’s doing everything to boycott the festivities at Baxter High. The appearance of a “stranger” makes Lilith realize, that she had possessed the body of a woman with a life outside of school. After several months being away to work for “Physicians without Frontiers”, Adam, the fiancé of Ms. Wardwell, shows up and states he doesn’t want to leave again. This bugs Madam Satan even more than the Valentine’s Day itself. At least in the beginning, but after she almost murders him, she eventually keeps Adam around, as he might be of use for her.

Finally, the Spellman sisters receive some love – more or less. We know Hilda has a huge crush on her boss, but he rejected her during the Greendale 13 where on the lose at the end of part 1. He now admits that he didn’t push her away because he has no feelings for her, but quite the opposite. Problem is, that he summoned a demon in the past and now himself turns into one every time he gets “excited”. Zelda helps her sister out with a bracelet that will control the incubus, the inner demon inside her boss so that Hilda can finally experience some tenderness with him. And Zelda? She gets proposed to by Father Blackwood. On the one hand, she wanted him to make their relationship legitimate, but on the other hand, she now says she’s not actually into him. Even more, she is rather pragmatic by stating she sees this marriage more as a strategic alliance that would help her restore the image of the Spellman’s in the coven.
As the troublemaker that she is, Ms. Wardwell uses a spell to disguise as a tarot card reader, that seeks shelter at Dr. Ceberius’ café during really bad weather. Hilda and her boyfriend-boss are happy about every visitor and let her sit at a table, laying out her cards for the other guests – Sabrina, Harvey, Ambrose, Theo. The scary things they see during their sessions are neither actual experiences nor predictions, but were things Ms. Wardwell wanted them to see. Theo is confronted with his anxiety about his body or rather it’s transitioning and Harvey with his insecurities about whether he should leave Greendale for an artist camp. Sabrina gets shown an alternate reality, which shows her that she needs to have trust in Nick. Ambrose sees something which makes him return to the Academy of Unseen Arts petrified. Father Blackwood confirms, that his boyfriend Luke had died in service to the Dark Lord. The High Priest wants Ambrose to replace Luke to serve him in his private little group called the Judas boys. Ambrose accepts but is full of grief in the time that follows. On top of all this, his familiar, who should be there to comfort him in difficult times, has vanished and is nowhere to be found.

Zelda and Faustus Blackwood are not engaged for long when preparations for their wedding begin. Prudence, tells her father about a dream she had. A warning about the Spellmans ruining the Blackwoods, but the High Priest insists that he would have them under control and Prudence doesn’t need to worry. While Sabrina is not happy about her aunt marrying someone she neither loves nor trusts, Zelda, despite her lack of feelings for her future husband, gets quite excited about the wedding. They would receive the high honor with the Anti-Pope performing their wedding-ceremony. In the middle of her preparations, Zelda gets visited by the former (now dead!) Lady Blackwood. Hilda manages to capture her and finds out it is the jealous colleague of Zelda’s. Turns out, she hates almost all the Spellmans: Zelda because Father Blackwood gave her the directing and Edward because she was in love with him, but he decided to marry a mortal. Hilda then proceeds to meet Sister Shirley and we see that Hilda can be more than a sweetheart. Even though her sister has harrowed her, killed her more than once, has most of the time little opinion of her and looks down on her, Hilda loves Zelda, as that’s what family is about. And this is why she poisons the one threatening her sister. Her loyalty towards her reminds Zelda, that the bride needs a maid of honour respectively maid of dishonour. Zelda manages it that Father Blackwood takes back Hilda’s ex-communication, so she can be her maid. As part of her duties, Hilda would need to watch over her sister on the eve of her wedding. An even higher honour than getting wed by the Anti-Pope would be to get visited by the Dark Lord – and have sex with him (I just don’t want to start a discussion about this at this point, as this would fill up an article on its own). He shows up, but disappears before the act can be done, we soon find out why.

Awaiting the arrival of the highest of High Priests, Sabrina and Nick hang out at Dorian Gray’s bar drinking absinthe when Sabrina sees the ghost of her father. Edward Spellman accuses Father Blackwood of having brought down the plane Sabrina’s parents were in, in order to kill them. He warns her that he would do the same to his sister Zelda and Sabrina must preclude the wedding. Not only that, but the ghost wants Sabrina to avenge his death and fulfil his life-work. After turning to Nick again, Madam Satan turns down the glamour being happy about having brought Sabrina one step closer to fulfil the prophecy. When Sabrina tells her family about her vision, her aunt shrugs it off, only Ambrose believes her. He tells her in private about the Judas boys and Blackwood’s anti-feminine concept for the Church of Night. It’s Ms. Wardwell again giving Sabrina another puzzle-piece. She tells her, that Edward was killed when he was on his way to the Anti-Pope, who had been a big fan of his ideas for reformatting the Church. Father Blackwood murdered him before they could arrive at the Vatican to discuss Spellman’s manifest and transpose his idea of mixing witches and mortals to live together. Nick astral projects to the place in the ocean where the plane went down to get the only existing manuscript. Together with Ambrose and Sabrina, he studies the ideologies of Mr. Spellman. Ambrose retells them the regressive and misogynistic ideas Blackwood has on the contrary. The plan arises, that the Anti-Pope needs to be shown Spellman’s manifest. When the Anti-Pope arrives at the Academy, we learn that he has indeed been a big fan of Sabrina’s father, which the current High Priest is not pleased to hear. Thus Father Blackwood tries everything to keep Sabrina and her father’s ideas away from the Anti-Pope but fails as he leaves for the night with two manuscripts and a promise to have chosen one the next morning. But he won’t make it to the next day. Ambrose, remembering nothing, finds himself covered in blood standing next to the corpse of the Unholiness, together with some students, who had the task of playing security for the Anti-Pope. Father Blackwood kills of the other students, but Ambrose flees and seeks protection at Dorian’s bar. While Dorian hide’s himself in one of his portraits, Ambrose puts on a glamour to pretend that he is Dorian and so tricks the ones following him. After they have left, Ambrose coughs up his familiar (urgh!). He realizes, that since he got Leviathan from Father Blackwood, that the High Priest must have used the mouse to take control over Ambrose so he would kill the Anti-Pope for him. This makes Ambrose more than angry and so he decides to kill the High Priest.

The night of the wedding/funeral of the Unholiness has come. While the High Priest officiates his own wedding with Zelda, the ceremony first gets interrupted by Sabrina and Nick who try to disconcert Father Blackwood. By putting on glamour they pretend to be the ghosts of Edward and Diana Spellman and out Father Blackwood, accusing him of murder. That doesn’t impress him at all and he blows their cover. The next thing that happens is Ambrose coming out of nowhere attempting to murder the High Priest with a dagger but is stopped by Prudence. Father Blackwood does not want to decide on his destiny right away and puts Ambrose into witch-prison for treason and murder, to leave with Zelda for their honeymoon. During their absence, Prudence watches over Ambrose in the dungeon and of course doesn’t let him out when Sabrina begs her to. Hilda and Sabrina then try to get justice for Ambrose by summoning the Trivium Unholy, but they have already decided that he should get hanged as soon on his arrival of Father Blackwood. So Hilda turns up at the doorstep of the Academy and asks the Weird Sister if she could visit her nephew. They agree, but the Weird Sisters use glamour to trick Hilda and Ambrose into thinking they are talking to each other, which they don’t fall for. But it’s not part of Hilda’s plan anyway to meet Ambrose in person, as she is using food to get what she wants. She’s making the weird sisters believe, that she brought the delicious roasted chicken along to bribe them. In fact, she expects them to throw their bones at Ambrose so he would be able to make a skeleton key to escape.

While the happy couple is away, missionaries of the Order of the Innocents invade Greendale, with the goal to hunt down all the witches and save their souls. This is where we learn what really happened to Luke. He not only died in the service of Father Blackwood, but the witch-hunter also tortured him in order to get information about Greendale’s witches and where they would gather. As the missionaries would not be able to get inside, because only the hand of a coven member can open the doors to the Academy, Luke’s hand gets chopped of. The missionaries now attack the other witches in Greendale. Sabrina returns home after a short visit at Baxter High, where she finds out that Roz has gone blind. She gets sent away by her friends when she suggests using magic to make everything better. The friendly young man standing in front of her door gets invited inside the house by Sabrina. She leads him into the kitchen and while he is drinking his requested water, Sabrina answers the phone with Roz at the other end of the line. After hearing about Roz’s vision about her getting knifed by the missionary standing in her kitchen, Sabrina grabs Salem and escapes. Hilda is lucky that she is with her boyfriend when the armed witch-hunter comes for her at Dr. Ceberus’s café. She just takes of the bracelet she has given him earlier and unleashes the incubus inside of him. Nick and Doran Gray are also attacked but manage to survive.

They meet at the café and Nick tells them about the Innocent’s plan to converge at the Academy as the next step. Harvey turns up to make sure Sabrina is ok and despite Nick’s doubts, to have him as a member of a family of former witch-hunters with them, they all head to the Academy together to save the other witches. On their arrival, they find a badly wounded Ambrose. He was able to escape his prison with the help of the skeleton key, but the moment he steps out of the front door the missionaries have turned up to invade the Academy. Although the Weird Sisters take their jobs as representatives of Father Blackwood really seriously and try to protect their fellow students, the missionaries take all of them hostage and the desecrated church. They reveal themselves as angels on a holy mission to convert all the witches – before they would need to kill them. Quentin and his other ghost friends are able to escape before the angels can take them to heaven. He also tells Sabrina, that they have sealed the church with holy water, so no witch would be able to get in or out. But as Sabrina is a half-witch and got baptized, she is able to enter the church. So she leaves Harvey and Nick with her aunt to save Ambrose, while she heads to the church. The missionaries kill a witch of the coven who refuses to convert right before Sabrina appears. She immediately gets shot at with a crossbow and a crown is put on her head to ensure that she can’t cast any spells. Two more arrows drill through her body before Sabrina breaks down and life fades away from her. She dies on the floor of the church, trying to save her fellow coven members. As it’s his turn to decide whether he would like to convert or not, young warlock Melvin rather lets himself get killed than to follow a false god. Just as the witch-hunters are about to burn down the Weird Sisters we hear a dark, scary voice growling from the back: “that’s enough”. We see the resurrected Sabrina pending in the air, blood running down from the crown of thorns and out of her wounds, with eyes white and blank. Everyone in the nave is outraged about this turn of events and looks at Sabrina incredulously. In turn, Sabrina now wants the angels to convert and praise Lucifer Morningstar. To underline her point, hellfire lights up in her hands and even though the two angels convert immediately, she burns them away. Sabrina, who introduced herself as the Dark Lord’s sword, resurrects the witch and warlock that have been murdered by the witch-hunters. That’s when Harvey enters the nave and is shocked about what his sweet Sabrina has become.

Sabrina must have broken down regardless of her new powers because the next thing we see is Harvey carrying her to Hilda so she can help her fixing her wounds. But they don’t seem to be that bad, Hilda turns do Ambrose again as his wounds won’t stop bleeding, no matter which spells she casts. Sabrina has not only healed herself in this few seconds but also saves her cousin. The two coven-members that got brought back from the dead state that Sabrina is now something like a god. Sabrina supports this assumption the next morning when she changes the weather from rain to pure sunshine. Neither her family nor Sabrina herself really understands what’s going on, so Sabrina goes to ask Madam Satan about that. Unfortunately, she isn’t at Baxter High this day, but where is she? After Lilith wasn’t fond of Adam when she first met him, she learned not only to like but also to love him. As Satan pushed her aside she was happy to find someone who fancies and honours her. But the Dark Lord is a jealous being and threatens Lilith, as he doesn’t want to share her with anyone else. So Ms. Wardwell gives Adam a ring for protection that he must never take off (we see a pattern here with witches giving jewelry to men in order to keep them safe). This doesn’t work out by mischance, as the Dark Lord still kills Adam and to top this, makes Lilith eat him. After breaking down when she learns about this, Lilith wonders how the hell Satan was able to find out about Adam. Turns out, it was her familiar Stolas who secretly reported to the Dark Lord since he had brought him back to life. Lilith screams out of anger and hate and grief and desperation, which makes Stolas burst down into flames. Although she feels the pain of loss, Lilith also realizes, that she made herself too comfortable in her “suit of human flesh” and welcomes this cruel reminder of who she really his.
When Sabrina can’t find Ms. Wardwell, she meets with her mortal friends instead. After Roz hears about Sabina’s wonders and how she has fought the witch-hunters, she agrees to let Sabrina help her with some magic. Roz gets de-cursed and her eyesight is restored completely. “How does a first-year, half-mortal student manage that?” This is not only what we ask ourselves all the time, but what Interim Anti-Pope Blackwood wants to know when he gets told about all the things Sabrina has done while he and Zelda have been on their honeymoon. Talking about Zelda – the very first second we see her it’s clear, that something is wrong with her. It’s not only the change of her appearances but also her bowing down to her husband. Her family realizes, that Blackwood must have put her under a spell.

Not only the newlyweds have come to the Academy, but they are joined by the high council. While Sabrina and Nick are allowed to continue their student lives because they saved the witches of Greendale, Blackwood still wants Ambrose to get executed for his attempts of murder. Sabrina accuses him of mind-controlling Ambrose through Leviathan, but the council, of course, demands proof and the testimony of the familiar. After finding Leviathan, who was still in the bin of Dorian’s bar, Sabrina uses her new powers to resurrect the mouse. Unfortunately, Dorian tells Blackwood about it, who then uses his wife to do the dirty work and kill the mouse – and this time with no way to bring her back. Hilda realizes that Zelda, who puts Leviathan into the meat-grinder with the brightest smile, is controlled by the music box her husband gave her. Sabrina teleports the box from the Academy to their home with just her will and they break the enchantment. Zelda has been fully conscious the whole time she’s been under he spell and now warns her family. Blackwood’s plan is to charge Sabrina with heresy, should she go and try to save Ambrose through a miracle from his execution.
While all eyes are on Sabrina during the execution, it’s Hilda and Zelda plotting in the background using magic with the guillotine. When it comes down it’s not Ambrose who gets beheaded but the executioner. Prudence, who watched Sabrina the whole time, can testify she didn’t move a bit. Sabrina then challenges Blackwood to execute Ambrose himself, but he counters by telling her to do so. This is when the Dark Lord himself enters, accusing Father Blackwood of degrading the coven with his pettiness and displeasing him by acting against his will. Ambrose gets reprieved and Father Blackwood loses his status as Interim Anti-Pope.

Sabrina still wants to continue the work of her father. She believes her life as a half-mortal, half-witch now has a real purpose and makes her special. That’s why she tells her fellow Academy students, that it’s in her belief, that mortals and witches should mingle. And now she wants to bring both worlds together at a party, where she plans to reveal to those humans who don’t know already, that witches exist. Not just be telling them, that would be too boring. Sabrina is climbing on the roof of her house during the party with a broom in her hand (although brooms have never been seen before. Is she doing so because it’s a typical witch cliché mortals have?) to preach to her friends. Just when she is about to jump, Harvey and Theo turn up. They have been to the mines to investigate, as not only Harvey has seen and heard things in the mines, but his great grandfather as well. In the locked tunnel with the number 13, they both get attacked. It’s the same woman in white which his relative wrote about in his diary. Theo kills her and the boys find out, what she was guarding all those years. They show Sabrina and Nick the mosaic-portrait of a Sabrina wearing a crown-of-thorns. The woman in white was guarding a prophecy, stating that Sabrina is the Herald of Hell – and evil.

Father Blackwood in the meantime has founded his own coven, the Church of Judas. Prudence learns about her father’s new rules for the Academy and the coven, which basically take away most of the rights from female witches. Prudence agrees to help him to spread the words, as she still seeks for appreciation from her father and good for her, he promises her exemption from the strictures. Daughter Blackwood finds out, that Zelda plays agent undercover and pretends to be still under Father Blackwood’s spell. Zelda appeals to Prudence, reminding her that she is truly aware of her father’s barbarism and that is why she helped her hiding baby Leticia from him. But Prudence still wants to believe that her father might truly love her someday, so she extradites her baby sister to her father. She exposes Zelda, who grabs a knife and threatens Prudence in order to save Leticia, but Blackwood isn’t impressed at all. Even if Prudence might get killed, he says he would still have another daughter in spare. So Zelda lets Prudence go, as killing her wouldn’t change anyway. Still not done with him, Prudence is about to have dinner with her father. His reveal, that he plans to get his daughter and son wed on their 16th birthday, is the last straw and assures Prudence that her father is evil. She frees Zelda but stays in the Academy herself to protect her sisters and fellow students.

Sabrina and Nick turn up at Ms. Wardwell for advice. She confirms the prophecy that Sabrina is chosen as Herald of Hell because she is half-mortal, half-witch and thus special. The prophecy says, that Sabrina will play a key role in bringing about the Apocalypse, by opening the Gates of Hell and would help the Dark Lord to preside over humans and witch-kind. This also explains why Sabrina has gained all these new magic powers since her resurrection, as it would need these to open the gates. To stop the Apocalypse, Sabrina must divest herself of her powers. Madam Satan persuades Sabrina to use the mandrake spell, to transfer her witch powers into a double of herself. Ambrose helps Sabrina with the spell but nothing seems to have happened.

What they don’t know is that it worked indeed and a Sabrina-double runs around, kidnapping her mortal friends to make herself some mandrake-friends. Meanwhile, Madam Satan sends a scarecrow that she built from one of her rips to kill the real Sabrina, but Nick saves her. He has done some research and now knows more details about the prophecy about a half-shadowed girl, performing a series of satanic perversions. When he lists up these blasphemous equivalents to the miracles Jesus had performed, Sabrina realizes that she has done them all: exorcism, raising the dead, crossing into limbo, restoring eyesight to the blind. The scales fall from her eyes: she performed all these actions on the behest of Ms. Wardwell and she must have known about the prophecy all along. They confront her, accusing her to have led Sabrina down the Path of Darkness. But they don’t get the real motive of Madam Satan and why she tricked Sabrina into giving up her powers. It’s not that she wants to control the mandrake and kill Sabrina to bring about the End of Times. But as Sabrina believes it, she leaves to kill her Doppelgänger. Would they have paid more attention, they would have known earlier what Madam Satan is telling Nick – that enacting the final perversion would mean that Sabrina kills herself, or in this case the mandrake version of herself. Nick continues to read the prophecy (why haven’t he read it completely before???) and brings up a fun fact Lilith didn’t know about herself – that the Shadow Girl would rule by the Dark Lord’s side. Meaning, that it’s not her that would become Queen of Hell but Sabrina. So they follow Sabrina to stop her, but when they arrive it’s already done. Ambrose had suggested an old-fashion duel with guns when the Doppelgänger had asked him to kill his cousin. The real Sabrina cheats and shots early thus killing the mandrake, performing the last perversion and fulfilling the prophecy.

The Dark Lord steps out of the mines and walks on earth in his angelic form (minus the wings of course). He shows up at Dorian’s bar and greets miffed Lilith, who is not very happy about the fact that she will not be Queen, but “only” guiding the troops. Lucifer (Luke Cook) gives her the task to bring Sabrina to him and sends for Father Blackwood. He reminds Faustus, that his coven is only there to exalt him, and Sabrina. Sabrina had run home to tell her aunts about the prophecy at last. Madam Satan arrives at the Spellman’s mortuary to catch Sabrina and finally reveals her true identity to her and her family. That she’s not a normal witch but Lilith, the lover of Lucifer. Sabrina agrees to come with her to Dorian’s to meet the Dark Lord. They have a talk about why Lilith honours and serves him. That he was kind once doesn’t count as a good reason for Sabrina. While Lucifer and Sabrina sit down to have dinner together, he tells her what’s going to happen next: Sabrina will blow the Horn of Gabriel and open the Gates to the Pit for the aristocracy of Hell to attend her coronation. For this, she will wear the crown and once both have danced Mephisto’s waltz, Hell will be on Earth. When Sabrina refuses to rule by his side, the Dark Lord presents Nick as his server, who’s job it was to lead Sabrina down the Path of Night. And he finally reveals, why Sabrina is so special and he wants her to rule by his side. Not Edward Spellman is not her father – it’s himself.

Sabrina turns back to go home after the Dark Lord had let her go to prepare herself for the upcoming events. Zelda states that Satan is a master of lies and they can’t believe him, but Hilda confesses that she knew about her brother’s and his wife’s struggle to conceive a child and that they went to the Dark Lord for help. So there really might be the possibility, that Satan is Sabrina’s father. This makes sense Ambrose explains – by siring a babe of witch, mortal and infernal blood, Lucifer would pervert the Holy Trinity and instigate the Apocalypse. Sabrina claims to resist against Satan, she would always be a Spellman despite The Dark Lord being her father. She will fight him, although she does not know how, yet. Enter Lilith (how does she even get inside the house all the time without being noticed by the Spellmans?). She knows about Lucifer’s week spots and in order to get what she thinks she deserves, Lilith shares them with the Spellmans. Her plan is to send Sabrina to distract the Dark Lord, which would make the way for her aunts to stab Lucifer with ancient daggers at the exact spots where the wings have been ripped off his back. But the plan fails and the Dark Lord threatens Zelda and Hilda with the daggers instead. To save their lives, Sabrina blows the Horn of Gabriel to open the gates.

The mortals Harvey, Theo and Roz have a great idea to search for the Gates of Hell and to find a way to keep them closed. Sabrina didn’t stop them and encourages them instead when they offer their help. The three presume the Gates would be in the mines of Greendale and they were right. When they realize that dynamite won’t work, Roz uses her Cunning. She sees ancient symbols and she reckons that they can be used to prevent the gates from opening. As she is not able to explain the complicated emblems to Harvey, she finds a way to share her visions with him. Harvey then is able to draw the symbols and Theo puts paper over the paper in front of the gates. At the same moment when Sabrina blows the horn, the earth is trembling and the Gates open, but not more than a crack, as the drawings do what they are supposed to do.

At the Academy, Father Blackwood refuses to bow down for a Spellman and prepares to flee out of Greendale with his children, and only them. When Prudence asks him about the rest of the coven, Blackwood admits having relieved them by poison. Prudence teleports Agatha and Dorcas to the Spellman’s house to beg Hilda for help for their barely alive sisters. Zelda and Ambrose teleport the rest of the members one by one to their home to save as many as possible. Not knowing of this, Sabrina broods over ideas on how to defeat the Dark Lord. She remembers the Acheron Configuration that was designed by her father so it could hold any demon. Although she doesn’t trust him after his betrayal, Sabrina inaugurates Nickolas in her plan to trap the Dark Lord inside of it. For this plan, she needs as much help as possible. Good for her that Ms. Wardwell shows up with Sabrina’s mortal friends she encountered in front of the Gates of Hell. Lilith pretends to follow the plan of the Dark Lord and sits next to him while he is awaiting Sabrina and the guests for her coronation. In the meantime, the Spellman’s pull out a “glamour to end all glamours”. Meaning that the crème de la crème of hell that Lilith brought along, in fact, is Sabrina’s family and friends. (Ironically Sabrina and the guests sing a song about masquerade and actually tell the Dark Lord to his face that he has been tricked).

Lucifer then proceeds to crown Sabrina and while they dance the Mephisto’s waltz, the guests start to mumble. Realizing too late, that they are casting a spell, Satan gets trapped inside the Acheron Configuration. Everyone is relieved, but not for long. The Dark Lord is too strong and escapes, but Lilith captures him. Unfortunately, it would need a better prison to capture him and the best one would be out of flesh and blood. Nickolas offers himself, proclaiming that he would be the best binder since Edward Spellman. After confessing his love to Sabrina, Nick captures the Dark Lord inside himself who is still so powerful that he tries to attack Sabrina. After Nick/Lucifer gets powered down by Ambrose, Sabrina realizes that there is only one way the world can be kept safe from Satan – by putting him back in Hell. This would mean that she would lose Nick, but Lilith volunteers to take an eye on him. Of course, it’s not altruistic of her, as she finally becomes the Queen of Hell by crowning herself. Before she steps through the Gates of Hell carrying Nick/Lucifer in her arms, she restores Sabrina’s witch abilities completely.

Sabrina is back to good with her mortal friends at Dr. Ceberius’ café – like in the old days. She realizes that the three have saved the world and she would not need to protect all the time, as they are capable to do so on their own. And even more, that she would need their help to get her boyfriend who is now in Hell, back. Together with Lilith, who has one more gift for Sabrina besides restoring her magical powers. Ms. Wardwell enters the café without any memory of what happened since Lilith possessed her and Sabrina get her favorite teacher back.
For more Sabrina coverage check out:
Catch up on part one of the “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina”
Corinna’s Chilling Closet Cosplay: Cosplaying Sabrina on a budget