The Emotional Impact of Avengers: Endgame (Spoilers)

General Spoiler Warnings for Avengers: Endgame Apply

On this Episode:

It’s so rare that we get failed heroes in any epic narrative but Infinity War gives us a massive, unprecedented loss. Throughout Endgame, we see the repercussions of that and how each hero deals with this loss, and how they handle their grief. Grief is multifaceted, and Endgame gives us a unique opportunity to see how a variety of heroes deal with the grief that diverges from the usual super-hero narrative.

On this episode, our host Emily Schuck talks with guest Monica Duarte & Madison Morrow about what they think is going on in the minds and hearts of the Avengers and what we as the audience experienced through it.

Our Guests:

Madison Morrow is a preschool teacher, cosplayer, geek mom and all around fangirl. Her favorite fandoms are Doctor Who, Star Wars and Marvel among others. She is a first time guest on the Temple Of Geek podcast and was recently interviewed for our Youtube series Cosplay Connection: Doctor Who Cosplay at Los Angeles Comic Con. You can find Madison on social media on Twitter as @mad_whovian or on Instagram as @imperial_maddie.

Madison Morrow cosplaying as the 13th Doctor

Monica is the current host of the Temple of Geek Podcast. She is a cosplay photographer and writer for the fashion column Temple of Geek Chic. Her fandoms include Doctor Who, Star Wars, Marvel and recently the Umbrella Academy. She can usually be found around the Southern California pop culture and comic book convention scene. You can check out some of her work here:

Monica Duarte

Our Host:

Emily Schuck is a Ph.D. student in Southern California. She serves as editor-in-chief of Foothill: a journal of poetry. She teaches at the University of La Verne and writes both academically and creatively. In her spare time, you will find her falling down the rabbit holes that the annals of the Internet so consistently offer about her favorite fandoms. Find her on twitter @emilyschuck and Instagram @lovemelovemyumbrella. She is a writer for Temple Of Geek as well as one of the hosts of Temple Of geek’s Cosplay Connection. You can check out some of her interviews from Los Angeles Comic Con on our YouTube Channel or read more from Emily here:

Emily Schuck

Let us know what your thoughts on the film and the character’s personal journey in the comments below. 

Check out more about Avengers: Endgame from Temple of Geek:

Lets Talk About Avengers: Endgame (SPOILERS)

What the Real Life Implications of Avengers: Endgame would look like

Creator of Thanos, Jim Starlin talks Avengers: Endgame reaction on This Week In Geek

Vans announces Harry Potter Collection, Avengers: Endgame Fashion Finds and More

Google Give Us A Cool Avengers Inspired Easter Egg

Our favorite moments from the Avengers: Endgame Premiere



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Retro Rebel Podcast - Fridays at 11am CST

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